Heat Exchanger is the equipment in which heat (thermal energy)
is transferred from one fluid to another fluid. These fluids are separated from
each other with a metallic wall. To affect the exchange of heat, both the
fluids must be at different temperatures. Heat will flow from hotter to the
colder fluid.
Heat can be used for different purposes like, heating a colder
fluid; cooling a hotter fluid; to condense a gaseous fluid; to boil a liquid
and so on.
Type of heat exchangers
Although there are different types of This heat, the
construction of That's fall mainly into two categories: 1. Shell and; and 2.
1. Shell and Heat Exchangers
This is the most common type of heat exchanger construction and
is suitable for high pressure applications. This type of That's consists of a
set of, called -bundle, arranged in a shell (pressure vessel). One fluid flows
through the, this fluid is called side fluid; and other fluid flows over the,
this fluid is called shell-side fluid. side fluid is separated from the shell
side fluid by sheet at the end of the. The are welded or press fitted into the
sheet to provide a leak tight joint. In the shell, are supported by plates
called baffles. These baffles reduce the vibration and direct the shell side
fluid over the for increased heat transfer efficiency. Generally Shell are
designed by TEMA standard and local and international codes for pressure
vessels like, ASME BPVC, PD 5500, AD Merk blatt, etc.
There are mainly three types of shell and heat:
Fixed -sheet That's: A fixed -sheet heat exchanger has straight
that are secured at both ends to sheets welded to the shell. The sheet may be
welded to channel also. In this type of That's, bundle is fixed and cannot be
removed. Hence it is generally used in clean service. In the event of large
temperature differential between and shell material, higher longitudinal
stresses will be developed in the shell and To reduce these stresses, a
flexible element called expansion joint is used on shell.
U- Heat Exchanger: In this type of That's, one -sheet is
stationary and it has a bundle of U-shaped. bundle is removable for cleaning
purpose. Hence it is used for dirty service on shell side. Because of U-bends,
it is very difficult to clean inside of. Hence it is not suitable for dirty
service on -side.
Floating -sheet This: In this type of this, one -sheet is
stationary and the other is free to float within the shell axially. bundle is
removable for cleaning purpose. As Floating -sheet heat exchanger can be
cleaned from both and shell side, it can be used for services where both the
shell and side fluids are dirty.
2. Plate type heat exchanger
A plate type heat exchanger consists of plates instead of to
separate the hot and cold fluids. Because of the larger surface area of the
plate, this type of is capable of transferring more heat than similarly sized
shell and. This type of used for medium and low pressure applications.
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